
What Not To Worry About #45

Happy Sunday friends! How has your weekend been? Things have been verrrry slow in the Donnelly/Moffett gaff as we attempt to recover the energy we were drained of over Christmas. It feels good to spend a weekend in one place, waking up in my own bed and taking my time to find my feet again. This morning I pottered downstairs and lit candles as the late morning sun poured through our living room. I put on a new vinyl I'd bought at a charity shop yesterday and played it while drinking a cup of tea and eating pancakes. I was so thrilled by the nothingness of the day that I barely moved except to get groceries and now I am right back on the couch again. We need these kinds of days don't we? Where we don't have to answer to plans or feel guilty for not getting outside and making every minute count while we're not working. I wrote in my last post how I am savouring the small moments of my here and now and this includes less guilt over staying at home, even when the sun makes a miraculous appearance after a week of rain. It felt good to see blue skies today but it was enough for me to admire the day from my cosy sun-drenched throne, watching the shadows move across the room while I stayed safe under lots of layers. Yesterday we felt brave and ventured out in to the Baltic winds to go for a dander near Crawfordsburn, my new favourite spot near home. The wind was brutal as we approached the beach, so brutal that we swiftly turned around to find sanctuary in the woodland. While we were in the woods I had this mad impulse to take photos I had been wanting to take for a while. I've been wanting to get a bit braver with my photos, experimenting with styles and editing and so I chose yesterday as the day to remove my jumper, cape, boots and socks to parade up and down a log in a flowy dress. I got a few genuinely concerned looks, mostly from Andrew though as I shouted out instructions to him while he attempted to capture my mental idea. Most of the photos were blurry because Andrew couldn't even focus the camera with his numb fingers (wee pet) but it felt exciting to be pushing myself a little more creatively, even though some of the photos will never see the light of day! It's the kind of energy I want to be starting the new year with. Trying something different, even if it sounds a bit mental to some people! I hope your weekend was a slow one too, we all need to be making the most of this quiet time of the year pals! And with that in mind, here are a few things I'm letting go of before my new week begins... Realising 2018 is the year I turn 30 - be prepared for lots of posts detailing the horror I feel about turning 30 folks. OK, so I don't feel real horror but every time I look through old photos these days it feels like an episode of 'This is Your Life'. There are some positives though I guess, like cherishing the good and true friendships over the ones you hang on to like a pair of pedal pushers. Here's an article about all those weird friendships you have in your 20's which sums it up well!! Office Christmas decorations in January - a constant reminder that our festive break is over and that we need to book annual leave immediately in order to recover from that fact. Not hearing Christmas songs anymore - I swear they make my commute so much more cheery. I miss them. Drinking in January - I won't be joining the Dry January gang I'm afraid and do you know what? Betty White, the 95 year old legendary actress has recently attributed her impressive age to her love of vodka and hotdogs. I mean, if that's what it takes then I'm game. The stable genius - how the fuck is this the President of the USA??!! 2018 better short this shit out. Read this for a laugh though.

Have a great week!

About Author

I'm Alex, the writer, photographer and creator of The Full Shilling. I started writing as a way to share all my favourite places in Ireland and the list just keeps growing! My aim is that you'll find somewhere new to explore and you'll make some great memories along the way. Happy reading!


  • The Mummy
    7 years ago

    I say don't get scared about turning 30! I was freaking out too and in the end it is not bad at all lol. Plus you I love this dress. You look very pretty

  • Cliona
    7 years ago

    Lols at poor Andrew trying to take pictures - I can only imagine how tricky it was! The result looks fab though, very ethereal. I do think it’s important to savour little things and not put ourselves under so much pressure.

  • Chloe
    7 years ago

    Well done, what a fantastic post! We've all got worries and stresses, but it's up to us to leave the negativity and stay positive!

  • Jenni
    7 years ago

    Happy New Year! Don't stress about turning 30. I'm turning 40 this year! I've decided to just embrace it :)

  • Amy Mummy
    7 years ago

    Well done for pushing yourself. You look fab on the log! I am joining you with boycotting dry January. I shed a small tear last night when i ran out of tonic. And don't worry, 30 isn't as bad as it sounds - promise.

  • Jordanne Thelifeofaglasgowgirl
    7 years ago

    I am really missing the Christmas songs everywhere and seeing the decorations. You are really brave going out in that weather for a wander! I've been dying to but the colds really affecting my bones.

    Jordanne ||

  • Katy Wellingtons
    7 years ago

    Well done for pushing yourself! I'm determined to push myself more creatively with my photography this year and try to find my own style. Happy new year - and don't stress the turning 30! My 30's have been the best years of my life - there's something kind of freeing about it I think.

  • Victoria
    7 years ago

    I love that picture! He did well! I turned 30 last year and loving it. I'm kinda missing the Christmas spirit, but at the same time looking forward to getting 2018 going! x

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