Hi, I’m Alex!
I’m the writer, photographer, and the creator of The Full Shilling, my own wee travel journal that celebrates the joys of adventure both at home in Ireland and abroad.
I love to share the lesser known places on this island and the people who make this such a beautiful country to live in. Here you will find guides to my ‘local favourites‘, inspiration for a day spent exploring our gorgeous coastlines and mountains, local businesses worth celebrating and photo diaries of travels in foreign lands.
So a little more about me…
After spending my twenties travelling, living in Scotland and various parts of Australia, I am now a semi-settled 32 year old living with my fiancé in Belfast. I might live a quieter life these days but I’m still an explorer at heart and I’m constantly seeking out new places to discover all over Ireland.
That’s why I started The Full Shilling back in 2016, I was itching to share with everyone the reasons why I came home. We have a bounty of stunning destinations here but some are so under the radar that even the locals don’t realise what they have right under their noses!
This island is made up of a diversity of people, stories and landscapes and my personal mission is to share them with you because I firmly believe that making connections with the people and the environment around us is the best way to live a full and happy life.
So what can you expect to find at The Full Shilling?
- Adventure – By sharing my own adventures I hope to focus on lesser known areas that are ripe for exploring on your weekends off, when you want to discover somewhere new that is right on your doorstep. Make sure to check out my ‘Local Favourites’ series if this sounds like your cup of tea.
- Stories – I love to meet new people particularly those that are brave enough to start their own business or brand so look out for posts looking at local folk who are forging their own path here in Ireland.
- Food – I love foraging for seasonal ingredients and then making a complete mess in the kitchen later. You can find seasonal recipes here along with food guides in case you fancy creating your own food tour in Ireland.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest if you’d like to see more from my adventures and the places I’m inspired to go to next.
If you’d like to collaborate with me, ask me a question about a trip around Ireland or just want a chat, you can pop an email across to thefullshillingblog@gmail.com.
Thank you so much for reading!
Alex x