Happy Monday my internet friends! How are we this Monday??? Feeling positive and ready to tackle the week ahead? It is so much easier to feel in charge and capable of great things when the sun is shining on us so I am savouring every second of vitamin D that I can get. In fact, I am feeling so ballsy that I actually signed up to run 5km in September and had my first training session this afternoon – a pretty great way to start the week if you ask me.
Running has never been my thing and I have been in awe of people who praise it’s benefits since every time I run I actually feel even more unhealthy. Of course having Cystic Fibrosis means that my wee lungs find running a bit tricky and getting my breathing in control can be a struggle (my airways can feel really tight like I’m breathing through a straw which is as unpleasant as it sounds). A few puffs of my inhaler can help a bit but the whole experience is usually a not-so-nice one and I’ve been put off trying for fear that I’ll always feel a little let down by own body.
But by avoiding running or any intense cardio I was giving in to this fear which is something I’ve always tried to avoid. CF can take away many things and it can be difficult to ever feel in control of my own health but what I can do is move and keep on moving. I am lucky that I have a strong body able to withstand all the medication, hospital admissions and countless coughing fits. I shouldn’t feel let down because I am afraid.
Instead I am saying “Fuck it!” and pushing this body as far as I know it can go. I won’t be judging or comparing myself to others but will be taking big gulps of air to the deepest parts of my lungs just knowing I am making them stronger. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1km, 5km or 26km, every step is a step I am grateful for. I might be wheezing by the end of it and I will definitely be coughing a lot but I will be proud of myself. It’s better than disappointment, right?
And here’s a few more worries that I’m shirking this week…
Summer time suddenly means that drinking pure vinegar is acceptable and I am baffled. Unless there is some delicious rosé that I have missed out on? I’m not so sure.
People who talk when they run
Another reason why I avoided running for so long was because when I ever ran with anyone they friggin’ talked the entire time! Like I can talk when I’m running??!! I have no time for chit-chat when my entire brain is focusing on breathing alone, thank you very much so please save the natter for the end when I might be able to formulate words again.
Ballet pumps in the summer
You honestly don’t want to be within 5 feet of me when I come home and kick these bad boys off at the end of the day. Woo-eeee it ain’t pretty!!
Crap underwear
I always mean to invest in good quality underwear but I also end up buying multipacks from Primark that become discoloured and ill-fitted after a few washes. Any folks have any advice on where to get underwear that doesn’t have a classy diamanté on the front???
People who save their bath products
The same goes for people who save Easter eggs and Christmas presents. Use them!
Have a lovely week and fingers crossed for a bit more sun!

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I'm Alex, the writer, photographer and creator of The Full Shilling. I started writing as a way to share all my favourite places in Ireland and the list just keeps growing! My aim is that you'll find somewhere new to explore and you'll make some great memories along the way. Happy reading!
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7 years agoGood luck with the running - I've just started too, using a 0-5km app. I'm very unfit so it's going to take some time!