
Live The Little Things

Oh Friday, thank goodness you're here because I have been dragging my tired ass from one day in to the next. My days have been rolling in to one as I hide in my cosy house after work (with the odd jaunt to the gym for a half hour of pure pain) and my wee hooves have been practically sighing with relief as I shuffle in to my slippers as soon as I'm through the door. I almost feel embarrassed about the sheer joy I have been feeling at doing feck all recently but this is the only time of year when it's completely OK to hibernate and watch all 6 seasons of Downton Abbey with a cup of tea permanently balancing on my ever-growing pouch. We need these little things to keep us going in the darker evenings because by spending so much time indoors, we can easily succumb to darker thoughts. Silly worries about whether we should be doing more after an exhausting day at work (and maybe eating fewer blocks of chocolate) can permeate and fester. Things that we wouldn't give a second thought to during the warmer months can suddenly become more considered and worth our time. I try to be aware of this feeling that can creep in during winter. Instead of allowing myself to feel guilty about enjoying the simpler way of living, I relish in it because I know when the longer days arrive I'll be drawn to the outside again. I might not have as many pretty photos but I have lots of time to write, read and cook - things I completely neglect when the sun comes out. Most of all though, I use this time to appreciate the little things that happen to me throughout the day that can make me just as happy as the big moments in life. During the next month or two when you may feel a little restless or stressed, try to be mindful of the small things that have maybe made your day a little better. Put on some music while you're cooking dinner and have a wee party in the kitchen. Listen to the fire crackle as you read your favourite mag. Buy yourself a bright bunch of flowers. Call your best mate for a chat. All these little wins add up to a pretty happy winter. And here are my little wins for this week...

  1. Listening to Jurassic 5 in a bath full of bubbles - Andrew definitely caught me trying to rap along
  2. Laughing out loud in my car on the drive to work in the morning - I was listening to the radio, I'm not completely demented
  3. Having just enough milk for the last cup of tea of the day - YESSSSS
  4. Getting to the gym and remembering everything - I usually forget a sports bra or socks in my morning stupor
  5. Waking up and realising I still have over an hour left in bed - definitely the cosiest feeling in the world
  6. My herbs still clinging to life despite living on an hour of daylight every day - you go basil!
  7. Ordering a knitting kit on Amazon - quiet time means time to get creative (and knit a scarf as we're coming in to Spring)
  8. Made my own fishcakes which were absolutely delightful - hello potential blog post
  9. Reading a magazine in bed at 10pm - #grannylyfe
  10. Funny emails from my mates to keep me going in work - they're the best!

Have a cracking weekend folks and whatever you're up to, don't feel a shred of guilt as long as you're happy :)

About Author

I'm Alex, the writer, photographer and creator of The Full Shilling. I started writing as a way to share all my favourite places in Ireland and the list just keeps growing! My aim is that you'll find somewhere new to explore and you'll make some great memories along the way. Happy reading!


  • Alex Donnelly
    8 years ago

    So glad you liked reading the post Jill! :)

  • Alex Donnelly
    8 years ago

    I know, I always struggle with learning to enjoy the mundane and not feel pressure to be out and about all the time. I'm loving the nights on the couch by the fire now! Hope you had a great weekend :) and I'll make sure to post a recipe for the fishcakes!!

  • Jill
    8 years ago

    I like her blog too!:) Thanks for sharing!!❤kinda reminds me of myself a bit!:)

  • Rachael
    8 years ago

    Love this post! It's very easy to get down in the dumps in January especially at this stage in the month when people are starting to fail at resolutions. I'm also trying to be a bit more mindful of the simple joys in life at the moment :) Also fishcakes sound yummy, recipe please :).

    Rachael xx

  • Breanna
    8 years ago


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